G’day guys I’m Emperor Tungsten, or you can call me Emps for short. I’m a gamer and creating guides and walkthrough’s for games has became a hobby and passion of mine, I simply enjoy it. I understand there are probably some question’s you’d like answers to in regards of this channel so let me help out with that below.


- What games does my channel focus on? I am currently focusing all my effort on Fallout 76, but I am planning on squeezing a ‘let’s play’ here and there to squeeze in additional content.
- What games do I enjoy? I enjoy playing Fantasy and RPG games mainly, with a little bit of everything else sprinkled in.
- What game would I call my ‘main’ game? I play alot of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 currently.

I hope these questions help you guys out and tempt you to SUBSCRIBE to the channel.