Dr. Dennis Chikata is a Veterinary Surgeon with special interest in promoting Spirituality, happiness and success in life, as clearly shown here. One interesting aspect of the videos in this channel is that every statement is backed up with Bible quotations that authenticates what is stated and lays every doubt or argument to rest.
You will encounter the video: UNVEILING THE MYSTERY OF DEATH, which explains that DEATH is a wrong name given to what should really be called TRANSFER, since nobody really dies after all; since all who have died are still alive somewhere. They have merely removed their garments (body) and transferred to another place as fully explained therein.
The video on MOST PRESENT DAY PREDICTIONS PROPHESIES AND MIRACLES DO NOT COME FROM GOD reveals secrets that many people are not aware of. It explains why Pharaoh’s magicians, in the Bible, using the power of the devil were able to perform the same snake miracle that Moses did with the power of God.