This is my prepper channel. I live in Florida but originally from Long Island, NY. I don't know everything nor do I pretend to, but I believe we preppers should share information with each other so we may stay well during hard times. I believe an economic collapse will likely occur and that's what I'm preparing for. I know a lot of ignorant people trust that their government will pull them out of what ever hardship they are facing. Furthermore, they trust their government will make better foreign and domestic economic policy. Preppers know better. We see the turning of events unfolding and put little trust into those that lead us. Trust in power is not good survival practice, but trust in yourself and your ability to stay prepared is. Stay informed, gather as much support as you can, head little advise from the ignorant. If a survival situation heads your way, help as much people as practical, but look after the women in your life and yourself first! Peace to all and good luck.