Hola, I'm Sig. Pronouns are she/they. You may have also known me in the past as Blanky, or BlankyXP. I have a real penchant for calling myself weird names on the internet, so it seems.

This is just a personal channel, so I just upload random shit on a nonexistent schedule. In all probability, I'm guessing you found me through those potato-quality MySims videos I uploaded back when I was a young whippersnapper. Either that, or perhaps those Mass Effect cutscene compilations I've uploaded like a decade past the prime of the game's popularity.

Whether you're coming here to see my juvenile attempts at creativity in MySims, or my Shepard being an asshole, appreciate you coming here to watch my crap.


PSN/XBL/NNID/Steam/Origin: Sighawke
3DS: 4270-1188-1694