Welcome to the Race For Water's Youtube Channel 💧

The Race for Water Foundation is an organization dedicated to ocean conservation. The Race for Water Foundation deploys its LEARN, SHARE, ACT activity programs through global expeditions onboard ever more innovative ships, true demonstrators of the ecological transition.

Essential to life on Earth, the Ocean provides most of our oxygen, regulates our climate, and is home to exceptional biodiversity, much of which has yet to be discovered. Now threatened by pollution, overfishing and climate change, preserving the ocean has never been more urgent not only for its beauty and mystery, but also for the survival of our planet and all the life forms that depend on it.

Our vision : The ocean warms up and becomes more acidic, as a direct result of the dissolution of more CO2. These changes irreversibly damage marine ecosystems.

Our mission : Decarbonising fossil-fuelled ships with new adapted sailing systems.