Hi peeps! I'm Phylis Mantelli, a published author, speaker, and encourager of women. I wanted to create this channel because my journey through life has not been easy, but the one thing that was constant was being able to be creative. If I’m not speaking or writing, I’m usually on Instagram sharing about lifestyle things like clothes and makeup (because really I’m just a girly girl at heart). I recently started ‘The UnMothered Podcast’ where I share encouragement and tips on how to navigate this difficult thing called life.
I'm also going to be talking to the women out there that also have 'mommy issues' and who need some encouragement from time to time. If you ever want to chat head on over to my Instagram and leave me a comment or contact me through my website.
I see you, I believe in you, and God loves you.
Loves and blessings,
Phylis Mantelli