Everfit Strategies began with the idea that being athletic was not just for athletes. With proper instruction and motivation anyone can start their journey to a healthier body. This is about attainable and maintainable change. On this channel you will find instructions on proper exercise form as well as breathing to ensure you are giving yourself a quality workout. Whether it's your first attempt at exercising or you are bored with your old routine and looking for a challenge, this channel has a workout for you! Exercises ranging from beginner to advanced will be posted to help you get in shape and stay in shape, without the nonsense. Putting science into training is what makes it effective and achieve results! Subscribe to this channel to take advantage of FREE weekly workouts which will focus on various aspects of training from sculpting target areas to overall functional performance. Don't fall victim to fad diets and programs, join the revolution to be fit for life. To be Everfit.