A channel for the ones who like alt rock / (nu) metal & electronic music, LEGO, Transformers, Kickboxing, hamsters, good movies, TV series & cartoons from the 80s/90s.
As a social media manager this is also where I create video portfolios for artists that I respect and admire.. so that if you were in the position of wanting to introduce one of these bands to your friend, this would be exactly the place where you could find the right playlist to impress him and make him definitely fall in love with that band!
If a video isn't there it wasn't good enough
EVERYTHING you'll find on this channel is at the BEST AUDIO & VIDEO quality available around, this means we've watched multiple times multiple versions of the same video to bring you here only the TOP.
Constantly updated NEWS are in the COMMUNITY section.
Danny Caught
disclamier: THIS is a NON profit channel, animated only by the passion.