I'm Eternal Epoch. Welcome to my channel.
If you like my content please consider supporting me on patreon:
I will soon be hosting my mods and they will always be free, but your support is greatly appreciated.
I have also setup a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EternalEpoch2021 where I will be posting modding news and sharing other mods.
This channel is dedicated to old school video game walkthroughs, gaming and mods as well as commentary on pop culture, sports, politics, etc.
Update: 5/12/21 - Currently working on:
1) Final Fantasy Tactics Dissida MOD
2) Weekly Intoxicated Amusement Podcast - Can now find on lbry.tv and rumble
3) Creating a game in Megaman Maker - Close to finishing
Future project wish list:
1) Make grammatical & gameplay mechanic updates to a RM2K game I made in 2001. I'll upload a play through when done.
2) Tecmo Bowl Mod (College Edition) - Attempted this before, very daunting.
3) FF 4 Mod
4) FF 5 Mod