Hey, hi, what's up! Welcome to my clusterfuck of a gaming channel! I do random gaming videos of games I enjoy, love and kinda want to archive in a way. What do I mean by archive? Well, ya see sometimes I like to go back and watch certain cutscenes from games or I may want to relive an epic moment I had while playing so if I upload it then I kinda look at it as a sort of archive where I can look back and go Wow, that moment was really cool! Or That cutscene was so goddamn heartbreaking but I loved it. Hopefully that kinda clears that up ^^;.
Now! One thing I wanna mention is, NO, my channel is not for kids. Why? Well, because of how much I fucking swear in the descriptions of my videos so uh... Any kiddos hangin' about may need an adult lol. Another thing is, I don't do commentary because I feel it takes away from the game itself plus I don't have a mic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways! Thanks for stopping by and I hope ya enjoy ya stay! Feel free to subscribe or some shit, i dunno.