Our Vision
1. We see in regions and nations around the world the Bride of Christ will gather together in times of worship and prayer, to pour out her heart in the purity of longing, repentance, and intercession, and ask Jesus to Come. We believe this is a prayer Jesus longs to hear perhaps more than any other, because it reflects the heart of His Bride for her Bridegroom, and how it positions her into greater depths of intimacy with Him and postures her to receive the Bridal anointing and authority necessary to help her get dressed in preparation for His Return.

2. We see the importance of raising a prophetic community to steward the Word of the Lord over a nation and to bring council in matters of Heaven upon the earth. A role of the prophet is to be a friend of the Bridegroom (just as it was for John the Baptist), and we are focussed to encourage and mentor this prophetic council at a national and international level.