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Jason Heal, recording video evidence, the Australian Bigfoot, Hairy Man.
Also known as the “Yowie”
I found interest in Cryptozoology back in 2012.
Been hooked ever since.
I have recorded a Yowie on my tree camera looking at red apples I placed on a large boulder, hidden in the Queensland Rainforest.
I have also recorded them talking in their language & yelling out to me in english.
Over the years have seen footprints, structures, rock stacks, tree snaps, heard them talking, whispering, yelling, screaming, seen one shake a tree like crazy & drop down on all fours & run down a 70 degrees slop back into the rainforest in half a second. I also had one behind me in the Glass House Mountains.
I’ve had articles in the New Idea, Who magazine, Gold Coast Bulletin, Courier Mail, PerthNow, Talk Radio UK, Several Tv interviews & documentary for Japan.
Business Enquires or Yowie Sightings.
Jason Heal.
Email: [email protected]