Eternal being who remembers who He really is. Came directly from Source to answer call for volunteers to help Earth. In second human incarnation. First and only other human incarnation was during time of Atlantis. My mission is to help Gaia ascend to her fullest, and to help others remember who they are.
You are NOT your body. You are NOT your thoughts. You are NOT your ego. You ARE an eternal being.
Eternal - you CANNOT die. Be afraid of nothing.
You are a fractal of God. An unlimited fractal of God. A drop of God is still complete God, it is not limited in any way. No one has authority over You, for You ARE God. But don’t let your ego tell you you’re special and better than everyone. You are not special. There are no lesser beings. At the same time, You ARE special (everything is a paradox, lol). You are God. God has no limits. You have no limits. Wake up! It’s time to remember who you are.
Love to All ❤️
Your eternal brother, Dean.
I will always be here for you. ❤️