The Magical World features first hand experiences and important stories from insiders and leaders in occult and magical circles to help you along your own magical path. Thanks for watching and thinking about magic with us!

On this exclusive TV series, seasoned experts in magick, neopaganism and shamanism discuss their magical paths, what magic really means to them - and how to do it better. The Magical World seeks to dialog within the occult community, and also to reach out to the greater world with an important message: Magick is afoot!

Who are we? We are a few long-time magicians. Without publicity and under the radar, over several decades we created our own magical groups and also supported the greater magical community such as Starwood, Sirus Rising and PSG. Now we feel compelled to share these stories. It is vital to the future and the Earth and all our relations for magic and magicians to take to the cameras, to tell the real stories about magic. Join us, won't you?