Namaste Times will be a 24/7 Web Portal, Online TV and a Bollywood Celebrity Management Company for the
Indians in India and Abroad. NT is aiming to break new grounds in reaching out to the Global Indians.
Our esteemed Readers/ Audiences will be the most affluent groups across the Globe. We will be making their value
proposition highly desirable. The Indian community has spread across the world and strongly desires to stay
connected to their culture/ community/ Nation at all the time. This is what motivates our purpose behind this
Our aim is to partner with the Community Leaders and Content Providers to finally showcase the underserved South
Asian community throughout the World.
Our Portal would have sections like: News, Bollywood, Food, Lifestyle, Auto-India, Travel, Health, Wellness,
NRIs, Sports, Fashion, Glamour, Pageants, Movies, Music and Forums.