I am here to give you The TRUTH, WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but The TRUTH , ALL GLORY BE TO THE GOD OF ISRAEL.
I will tell you what the Church or your Pastor or Mainstream wont tell you. WE ARE IN THE END TIMES, TIME IS ALMOST UP!
I do not want your money and do not care if you like me. I have be saved for a time such as this. I have been in the pit, the prison and am heading to the Palace.

Let us PRAY Together for All those in Authority, our enemies, family, friends, neighbors, strangers and Gods Enemies. Let us be like JESUS, and say Forgive them ,for they know not what they are doing. It is Our Fathers will that NONE would perish and ALL come to the Knowledge of The TRUTH AND BE SAVED.
Come join me and prepare to meet OUR LORD AND SAVIOR IN THE SKY!!!
PLEASE WATCH ALL THE VIDEOS on my channel. Not for my sake, for you and everyone you love. THIS EXPLAINS WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON!!! You can learn about this Now or wait until its TOO LATE. We are the Fig tree Generation.