Physical Therapy with Shelly and Friends is a channel devoted to the participation in Physical Therapy based activities for children with ALL abilities. Typical children, as well as children with special needs will find the songs and movements fun and entertaining. Our aim is to provide a fun, functional, age-appropriate and engaging activity for kids to engage in at home or at school. All videos have detailed descriptions of what children are working on as they engage with us. Additionally, all movements can be adapted for children with low/no vision, hearing impairments and a variety of differing abilities. Children need not be able to move their own bodies, as all the videos can be followed along with hand over hand motions, lying down or seated. Come move with us as we have fun and follow the music! Physical Therapy with Shelly and Friends is created by a team of Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapists. Anyone can dance and anyone can have fun! Follow along!