After doing 11 meters and CB in the 80's and 90's I found new interest in HAM radio when I got my license in 2020. My main radio is a Kenwood TS-990 and my backup is a Yaesu FT-950. I owned the Icom IC 7300 and the Icom IC 7610 which are fantastic radio's. The Kenwood TS-990 is fantastic when it comes to pulling weak signals from the noise. It also has really good TX and RX audio possibilities and magnificent filtering.
My antennes are a DX Commander (DXC) for 40/20/10 and a Hyendfed EFHW for 40/20/10. For 20 meter I use a shortened homebrew EFHW vertical that is 7 meter in length, it's 10 meter above groundlevel and is very good when it comes to DX. Better than I thought it would be when I made it.
The microphone I use is a Heil PR 781 that in combination with the TS-990 delivers fantastic audio, or so I been told by a lot of stations. I don't do a lot of FT8 or other digital, but it can be fun sometimes. I hope to meet you on air and wish you good DX!
73 de PD9RD