'Sourav Agarwal is a Generative AI expert working as Decision Science Specialist -- AI Consultant at Accenture'
3x your chances in AI
One of the feedbacks that our learners repeatedly share and I quote, Clear, Concise and Simple to understand :)
Ever felt over-whelmed by the challenges of Data Science and AI?? With massive releases happening every now and then, it gets difficult to filter the noise and focus on what's really important.
At Datahat, we move forward with the sole aim of Simplifying AI for our viewers and helping them follow a methodical and structured approach. It all started with the idea of Simplifying AI.
we believe that professional challenges are unique in their own ways and based on your feedbacks,
now, we take a step forward and bring forth
* 1-on-1 consultation & guidance [check here]: https://topmate.io/datahat
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