30 years creating unique touristic experiences in Galápagos.

San Vicente Hotel, La Laguna Hotel, Galápagos Native Touristic Operator and New Ocean Boat constitute San Vicente Corporation as the biggest turistic infrastructure in Isabela Island with an all inclusive service.

Supported by Antonio Gil, native and owner.

Adress: Cormoran y 16 de Marzo / Puerto Villamil / Isabela /

Galápagos / Ecuador

Phone: (593) 42850544 – 42853037 / Guayaquil Office

(593) 52529140 - 52529360 - 52529439 - 53016988 / Galápagos

Mobile: 099 349 7940

099 137 2405 (only ws)

www.gruposanvicentegalapagos.com - www.isabelagalapagos.com.ec - www.sanvicentegalapagos.com