I'm here for a good time, not a long time, and to make the most out of life. Having had multiple open heart surgeries already and a degrading heart, that means being as healthy as possible. Financially, it means planning for my exit ramp in life. Most importantly, it means packing as many wild experiences as I can into the years I have remaining. Much like my tattoos and scars being the scrapbook of my body, this is the home movie of my life.

Without passion, life is pointless, and I have a lot of it for cars, motorcycles, guitars, guns, art, movies, music, photography, and my dog, Baron. My accomplishments so far include 3 books, an album, an award winning documentary about breaking the cross country motorcycle record, my own shop building custom choppers, and riding my bike 198.4 mph at the Texas Mile, but I still have a lot more adventures to enjoy, so twist the throttle and ride along!