आरुष फण्डामेंटल्स में आप सभी का स्वागत है। इस चैनल पर आप पावर सेक्टर खास कर के डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन सिस्टम से सम्बंधित सही एवं सटीक जानकारी विस्तार से जान पाएंगे। यहाँ आपको बिजली बिल एवं मीटर से सम्बंधित सही, सटीक एवं पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी।

Welcome to Arush Fundamentals
A few people hold the degree in Electrical engineering and work as an electrical engineer. Fortunately, I'm currently working as an Electrical Engineer after completing my M.tech degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Gandhinagar.
Authentic information could be find in this channel with reference. Believe me, spending 10-20 minutes to watch complete video would certainly help you to enhance your understanding and knowledge. This account is being managed by Sweta Mishra.

Disclaimer: - The opinion in the videos is my personal and not related to any company by any means.

Thank You
Gourav Mishra