Is it possible to live well on less money? Absolutely! I retired early from teaching in 2023 at age 57 and now live well on a teacher's pension of around £9K a year. This is a reduced pension due to many years of part time teaching while raising my family. I have 9 more years until I get my State pension at age 67. It has taken me 14 years of frugal living, planning and saving to get to this stage. In May 2024 I made the huge leap to downsize my home. I bought a small 2 bedroom house for myself and a 2 bedroom flat for a family member. I enjoy DIY and making things from not much money. I usually try to grow as much food as I can although this year has been a write off due to moving house. Join me on my journey and I'll share my frugal and simple living tips and tricks along the way!