Channel is devoted to the CPCR Collective (born 2024)

In a first of sorts, the leading journal of anti-racist inquiry Critical Philosophy of Race (Penn State University Press) has dedicated a special issue to critical studies of caste. Published in April 2023 under the title “Caste and Racism in India”, this issue presents incisive articles on caste and on the productive comparisons between caste-ization and racialization, and the intertwined legacies of anti-racist and anti-caste thought.
They deepen the interrogation of a long history of scholarship on caste, across disciplines, devoid of an anti-caste ethical imperative. They initiate the interrogation of philosophy’s simultaneous caste blindness and complicity in perpetuating the caste order. Celebrating them, the first CPCR conference in March 2024 at IIT Delhi made anti-caste thought a desideratum for the fields of Critical Race Theory and Critical Philosophy of Race. Thus begins the Critical Philosophy of Caste and Race.