TEMPLE OF THE MARTYRS or (Templo Dos Martyrs) begun in early 2014. But not as a band. More like friends jamming together. After a few months we had written a bunch of songs that we thought were acceptable enough to be released. It was only then that we decided that TOTM could maybe be a real band. The early tracks were in Portuguese just to try out something different. Inspired by the Portuguese band “Linda Martini”. Early on we realised that people didn't give a shit about our lyrics sung in Portuguese. And most of the feedback we were getting came from english speaking fans. Even pronouncing the band name was hard for most people. So we decided to keep the same name, but change it to English. Which is easier to understand, and spell it. It was never out intention to write songs in English but we had a bunch of tracks that only worked with English lyrics. And like we’ve said above most fans are English speaking fans so the songs became english altogether.