I've always been a huge fan of the Pet Shop Boys since first hearing West End Girls in the autumn of 1985.

After that I bought every 7 and 12 (and imports) the day they were released (usually skipping school to do so!).

I'm not so obsessive these days. From the mid nineties onwards I didn't bother with singles any more, I just bought the albums. But I've still got my big box of vinyl and it's pure gold my friends...

So this is a small selection of some of the classic tracks by the Pet Shop Boys that I've managed to collect over the years. They aren't necessarily their best songs (some are - some aren't) - I'm just uploading the stuff that was commercially released but doesn't already have 100 other videos on YouTube.

If anybody wants any particular version or mix of a track that I have, just let me know and I'll upload it onto this channel.
