Pizza and Property's an Australian property podcast hosted by Todd Sloan, former Real estate agent,
With many years of experience selling property, a passion for helping others as well as an unstoppable energy for renovation and property investing. Todd brings a unique flavor and perspective to the property investing podcast, not to mention a true love for pizza ;)

Todd Sloan accomplishments:
-Walked from Adelaide to Melbourne in 2014 for CanTeen children's Charity Raised $11K +
-Rode a bike from Darwin to Adelaide in just 14 days for heart Kids Charity Raised $22k +
-Co Created the drop your boss fundraiser campaign for st Johns youth services Raised $22k +

- Sold 300+ properties
- Successfully renovated 6 properties averaging 28% ROI's on each project
- Published author of Australia's home buyers guide

Want a video made? simply get in touch