the best fun 2 rhymer ever in the world

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30 Subscribers ✅

100 Subscribers ✅

150 Subscribers ✅

200 Subscribers ✅

300 Subscribers ✅

500 Subscribers ✅

1,000 Subscribers ❌

Can we hit this in 2026?

Also here are my channel rules:

1. No bullying
2. No copying my videos
3. You must be a good user
4. Don't take revenge from my channel
5. Don't unsubscribe me
6. Don't grounded me
7. Do not hack me
8. No bad users allowed
9. Only good users are allowed
10. No swearing

If you break my rules I WILL GROUND YOU!

I will grounded you for:

Grounded for 1 Vigintillion years: hack,grounded,bully, unsubscribe me
Grounded Forever: revenge to my channel, swearing

That's all.