Hi guys! It's Wataru.
Thanks for visiting the QuickSeek: Animated Book Summaries channel!
My current aim is to reach 1000 subscribers and your support is very much appreciated!!

On this channel, I will be sharing book summaries together with some takeaway points which I thought was important while reading. My videos are best suited for those who are interested in reading but have no time or want to know more about the book before purchasing one. I will be posting one video each week. All comments are welcomed, from book requests to advice for the improvement of this channel! Thanks guys!

このチャンネルでは、視聴者さまに一番簡単で、気軽に「本を見れる」動画をお届けするのに重点をおいています。色々な物事で忙しく、隙間時間にしか携帯を触れない方や、一日の短い時間を自分のために有効活用したい方にぜひ QuickSeek の動画を見てもらいたいと思います! これからも、動画をドシドシあげるのでよろしくお願いします!