Welcome to Josh Anderson Art! I am a graphic designer by trade but my real love is drawing, specifically cartoons. I will try to post drawing videos and share any art related videos. One day I plan to start a playlist of How To drawing videos.
This is ALSO my personal channel where I dump any & every kind of video I have. It ranges from home videos to DIY videos. A lot is just for me, a lot is for you. Search my playlists for what strikes you:
D.I.Y. Videos - Blind Squirrel DIY
Entertainment - Josh's Ideas, CVVC Announcements Videos (from my old church), Sheley Inc. Movies, The Willie Show, SeptiYoshLaw
Music - Obscure/Older Christian Music, Josh Anderson's Musical Involvements
Family/personal stuff - Videos I'm In, Josh & Shelly's Adventurous Life, Shelly!, Jeddy, Home Videos, Mario Paint,
Bible Reading
Check my art!! https://joshandersonart.wixsite.com/joshandersonart
My art blog: https://joshandersonartblog.wordpress.com/
and https://www.instagram.com/jdandersonart/