What is my channel about your are wondering? Well if the name and pictures haven't given you any clues I'll just spit it out. I love gaming!

I would have to say I'm more of a retro gamer than a modern gamer but if the game is good I'll play it on what ever system it is out on. I do have a fondness for PC gaming and Nintendo but I'm far from a fan boy as I own most main systems upto the Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360.

What is my channel about? Mainly I will just be uploading gameplay playthroughs, not walkthroughs, or completion plays. Just having fun and if you enjoy the video or it was helpful, then great, we both win.

In time I would like to do commentaries, but that will need me to build up a bit more confidence and my accent barrier may not help.

Please note that as I do gameplay videos they will most probably contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!