Hey All, Hezy Jay here. Variety type of Person. I will be uploading everything from gaming videos to food blogging video's and even NYC attractions and sightseeing videos from around NYC. I work for a delivery company in NYC as well as being a Bike Messenger and a Dog Walker. I'm also a Amateur Food Critic. i travel around NYC and try all kinds of different restaurants and write reviews for them online. I also like to consider myself a Amateur Historian. I love History and everything about it. From ancient tines like egypt and greek to world war 2. I will also start doing Historical videos where I share some facts about History with you guys. I haven's set that up yet but soon.
Male, 30, New York City
Gamer, Photographer, Video Editor/Videography, Cook, Foodie, Dog Walker/ASPCA Volunteer, Lifeguard, Writer, Bike Messenger
@WorldofHezyJay (Photography and Foodie)
Twitch Name - WorldOfHezyJay
URL - https://www.twitch.tv/worldofhezyjay