Welcome to the Xanadu Preservation Channel! Slapped together by the XANADU PRESERVATION SOCIETY ( https://oddlystupid.wixsite.com/xanadu ), we try to group whatever Xanadu-related, semi-related and Xanadu-era YouTube material and pile 'em here. We don't post direct clips from the film as the movie is still in print and you'd probably know it by heart, so we're on the look out for the rare and the unusual. If there's anything missing that fits the format, please let us know and we'll post 'em.

Also check the 'Playlists' selection for more detailed Xanadu insanity...hurr hurr hurr...

ALL COPYRIGHTS ACKNOWLEDGED. XANADU © 1980 Universal City Studios Inc. No copyrights are claimed, abused and infringed...not by me, at least!