The professional storytellers at StoryLink Radio have been around for a long time!
The Irish knew storytellers by the name Seanchaí (shawn-a-key)
We are committed to bringing stories to Life through the spoken word as in traditional oral storytelling. We present stories of many genres...
Ancient Legend & Myth, short stories, full length novels, science fiction & high fantasy, philosophy, traditions, drama, fiction, non-fiction, romance, Shakespearean, ghosts & haunts, and more!

Our stories may be drawn from contemporary sources, or from some dusty near-forgotten tome. Regardless it is a treat like no other to listen to the stories & tales presented in a live format with the emotion and feeling a true professional storyteller brings. This is not the stifled, sanitized perfection that can be found in many today's audiobooks.
(Though we do offer high-quality audiobooks on Amazon and Audible!)

So enter here, and let us be your Seanchaí for a time!