Some British guy learning to stream.
Feel free to drop by and backseat!

Currently interested in World of Warcraft. I mostly main Feral Druid, sometimes learn new specs. Will share other bits of my life from time to time too! Also a big Pokémon fan and currently playing Pokémon Go and Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

High School: The Burning Crusade - Mained a Marksman Hunter and ninja looted a cloth helm from Karazhan on my first ever raid.
Undergraduate: Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm - Mained a Discipline Priest... Badly.
Postgraduate Masters: Battle for Azeroth - Conversion course to Ret Paladin after a 9 year absence.
PhD: Shadowlands - Ret Paladin main. 4 Ret Paladin's in Season 1 for each covenant...
Postdoctoral Researcher: Dragonflight - Feral Druid main, because cat.

Pokémon CV
Red, Yellow, Gold, Sapphire, LeafGreen, HeartGold, Black, X, Go, Sun, UltraSun, Let's Go Eevee, Legends: Arceus