Hello my friends, and all those whom have stumbled across my channel, My name is Skye i'm currently writing a book the book is called The Forgotten Angels but I've nicknamed the book The Lost Guardians. I have gotten up to Chapter 5 done and I have started to work on chapter 6 The Broken Seals. I May not have very good videos up but I'm looking for new video recorders i am low on money so i can't go paying for anything at the moment. I'm gonna try and get new videos up soon. Please those whom have read to this far I need music for new videos and I am very picky on what i take in for music. RAP is very limited on what i like and those whom want to read my book just send me a PM and I will send you a link to it.

-Razer857/Angelic Prototype-
-Twitch AngelicPrototype
-(PSN) ProjectZero24-
-(PSN) DarkAngel254-
-Mabinogi: Enlunix | Server: Alexina-
-FlyFF: Enlunix | Channel: -