Hello fellow adventure seekers! We’re Jon and Andrea—part-time travelers and full-time adventurers. 🌎

Join us as we explore interesting places around the world. We are balancing full-time jobs so many of our adventures are East Coast based, but we’re always looking to get out of our backyard!

We love:
▪️ Travel tips: we love sharing the dos and font’s of travel so our mistakes aren’t yours!
▪️ New experiences: follow us if you ever thought “I wonder what _____ is like” because our goal is find out and share it with you!
▪️ Finding wonder and awe in the world: Cheesy? Absolutely! But no less true in how we visit and experience new places.

We look forward to exploring the world with you!

Follow us for behind the scenes snapshots of our lives:
▫️ Instagram: @JLewTravels
▫️ TikTok: @JLewTravels

Our Shared Travel Goals
State count: 14/50 (+DC)
National Park count: 6/63