The Eternal Dreamers started in the fall of 2011 as a project created by Sebby just called The Dreamers to give a name to their musical creations. In 2015 that name changed to The Eternal Dreamers to better fit the project,. Later julia joined the project
They have released several hit albums and their 7th comes out in march of 2019.
The albums include:
A. Dreamers’s Piano
Star Wars- A New Baroque
Star Wars- classical strikes back
We will be fab: the legacy of the Beatles
Fawn’s Forest
A. Dreamer Goes to the movies
The Numbers Mine
A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky

Sebby has a BFA in theater sound design from a school in his home town of chicago.
Julia is a bassist, guitarist, pianist and cellist. With a MFA from the Yale school of music in piano performance, she just finished working on a PHD from MIT in Acoustic physics as of summer 2022

together they run 3 Dreamers Records and 3 Dreamers music Publishing