START YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH COFFEE & TEA! OR SIMPLY - SAVE MONEY BY MAKING THESE DELICIOUS DRINKS AT HOME. Stay tuned & start earning from the recipes & tips here. For those at home, start making your own drinks & know what you put in them. We aim to provide creative yet budget-friendly recipes made so simple, delicious & attractive.

RIZA SRIPETCHVANDEE was born and raised in the Philippines and is based in Bangkok, Thailand with her family. Coffee & Tea started as a hobby, and very quickly became a full-time endeavor. She often travels around the world specifically to find the latest and greatest in coffee & tea to share her findings with those equally passionate. This passion, together with her business acumen and professional training and experience is what drives her to help those looking to get into the business of coffee with the best start. Many have benefited from her workshops and books.

For business enquiries: email us [email protected]
