*You see a small panda wearing headphones and circular shades*

“Hey you, yeah you reading, this isn’t a joke it’s for real”

*You are puzzled by this small creature standing near an old shrine and offering box he keeps putting his own money in*

“Give me an offering and I will grant you ONE wish, the more you pay the greater the wish is the less you pay will make the wish small but meaningful!”

*You size up the this unusual panda with uncertainty but you didn’t sense anything malicious or threatening and decided to drop a quarter into the offering box*

“Your wish is my command!” *Snaps my finger*

*You see a YouTube channel suddenly spawn into your device’s notifications box and click on it and it brings you through a portal warping you through the fabrics of space and time sending you back to where you started then you suddenly hear a voice in your head*


*Your mind is filled with static and you see a message in your mind*

“The Truth Lies In Your Hearts & Minds…”