Pathways Encouraging A Better Life is a Bible meditation program broadcast on YouTube
weekly. It provides wisdom, encouragement through tough times, enlightenment, and sound
guidance for life, from the Bible. As a Christian follower of Jesus Christ, and pastor of a local
church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I have personally found consistent study of God’s Word
shapes and refocuses our thoughts and ideas with God’s perspective. Therefore, the weekly
meditations inspired by the Holy Spirit that are shared always intended to lift people above their life crises and disappointments. We encourage you to tune in, and subscribe to our channel and learn through Pathways Encouraging A Better Life how to manage the stress of living in a chaotic world.
We also provide educational services focused on Christianity from sermons that are uploaded weekly on YouTube. These spiritual messages are crafted to encourage, uplift, and give hope to people and become better in every sector of life.