All about gardening: orchids, hydrangeas, camellias, azaleas, roses, aquatic plants, spicy, aromatic, medicinal peppers, succulents, perennials, pumpkins, small fruits, maples, carnivorous plants, houseplants, tropical, fruit, conifers, evergreen, vegetable garden, olive tree and vine.
These are just some of the playlists that you can find here where, thanks to the experts in the sector who already collaborate with Portale del Verde, you can satisfy your thirst for knowledge or even a simple curiosity.
The frame of our videos is and will be strictly GREEN and the cut we wanted to give to our stories is 100% in the spirit of Youtube: very realistic, without too many labels and without necessarily taking ourselves too seriously!
The gardening topic we believe to be among the most beautiful, fascinating and mysterious: that's why it lends itself a lot to being told day after day by those who have done it as well as a passion, their profession.