I am channeling the great awakening through ASTRID, 15th dimensional beings that are of the blue diamond light. They work with other star races to help humanity at this point in time. They are ancient and live in the etheric layers of the universe, supporting all ascended beings. Also Arcturians, pleiadians, & more!

Light Language is a spiritual modality similar to other forms of sound and energy healing. Used to raise your vibration, rid the atmosphere of any negative energies and even to heal. Light Language is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to our soul and DNA. At the soul level, Light Language can help us heal emotionally and physically, connect to our innate wisdom, activate dormant gifts and truths, and connect to our purpose.

Work with me:

Live personal readings are available:
WEBSITE: https://www.wonderspacefengshui.com/channeling

#lightlanguage #channelingfrequency #ladybird #ladybirdspiritlight #soulgrowth #selfhelp