I'm Harv to Get Along With. This is my channel where I talk about things that piss me off.

I use cartoons to illustrate my points. I also don't mind using colorful language to paint you a picture. I'm not afraid of puns either.

Currently my channel is still brand spanking new, but if you managed to slip on the placenta trail my channel left and wound up here, then consider yourself lucky.

I want to hear from you guys so don't be afraid to leave comments for me even though I come off as abrasive. I'm more than happy to have a jolly good conversation with any of you fine feathered folk. If you think I'm a big dumb idiot, I'm also more than happy to explain why you're a bigger, dumber idiot. We'll get along great!

I have a Twitter. Twitter me at --- https://twitter.com/Harvtgaw

I'll have other places you can shake me down as they become relevant. Until then. Harv a good day!