Hello I will be uploading more often just my school right now and this channel will be focused on bomber especially helping newer players getting the hang of it or just players who do not know how to use this class effectively. I will try my best what I learned from my EXPERIENCE to help you all, you can also contact me if you need help with anything else. I started playing this game around August 2018 and I owned bomber probably in October 2018. I took the class very serious playing it over and over no other classes for more than 9 months straight only changed if I had to. I started this channel mainly to help others and for myself because I am not sure how much longer I will play this game, but because I like it so much I may have some visits and because I don't want to be rusty I can always watch my own videos.
I hope you really enjoy my videos and they help you a lot and before I stop playing this game I am hoping to get new players to play this amazing class more often.
