I have been in the business of dentistry for over 40 years. I would like to extract as much wisdom I can from all my mistakes as well as success from the business.
I am a Swedish dentist that ended up in administration as CEO and in Group Management for larger dental chains. Buying and merging clinics all over Europe and a couple of years in Abu Dhabi as well. I am not looking for a job just hoping for positive change.
Yes, this material initially often only interests dental nerds, but I believe more can benefit, especially investors but also patients and dental teams, from a better insight to what is going on. Where do you invest your money best, who do you want to work for and, as a patient, who do you want to trust your dental future with?
Since dentistry often ranks high in customer satisfaction many other service industries can benefit from success stories from dentistry, a business that, well managed, retain their customers for decays.
Further Bio at LinkedIn.
Per Rehnberg