Our house is full of kids, pets and chaos! There's always something crazy going on and some of our stories seem unbelievable. I figured if we could record them on vlogs, instead of home videos, maybe we'd catch a few of these unbelievable moments, and share them with everyone!
We started Daily Vlogs 3/1/2015! Thanks for watching! Please share, thumbs up and comment below. We love to interact with you! If you have questions for us we'd love to answer them!

The first official Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDlMGnzmLSU

Our social media links

snapchat: ty.gerrr77
meerkat: @kaelyman
Periscope: @kaelyman

Our Blog: http://thefullhouselymans.blogspot.com/2008/05/we-are-lymans-jacob-and-tyra-we-have-4.html