Hello, This is HollywoodClassics33 Returns, Welcome to my new channel of The Vitaphone Sound-On-Disc Channel of films that has been lost during the golden ages of hollywood, but the sound disks of forgotten films has survive in the vaults of The UCLA Film & Television, The Liberty of Congress or Archive.org. I will be posting it on here for you to enjoy the Vitaphone Sound-On-Disks of forgotten films that had never been found for years before our time for us to see those films from the golden ages.
This collection is an attempt to collect as many soundtracks to lost films and lost sequences from as many films from the early talkie period (1926-1932) as possible to make them available to everyone as they should be. Hopefully this collection will bring awareness of these great films to this generation and to those that will come afterwards and in the process maybe more of these lost films will turn up.
Enjoy my new channel of Vitaphone's Sound-On-Disks of Forgotten Films.