Journey to guitars and cakes!
Feeling like a turnip, he rolled plumply off the sofa. Walking purposefully towards his favorite Aunt, he had decided earlier that he had better come clean about the missing hedge. Wheeling her cart around with the flair of an armchair on ice, she managed, miraculously, to hit only a display of toilet paper rolls and avoid the pretentiously stacked cans of beans. Scrambling to unlock the door, he tripped once; fell twice and nearly hit the corner of the coffee table. Solid gold paperweights were selling like water in the desert. It was such a terrible sort of cold to have come down with during the holidays. First, he added the sugar and corn syrup, after bringing it to a boil he then let it cool. The wind rippled through their hair, stung their hands, and flushed their faces. As slow as anybody could possibly be at any time in their lives, was just how slow Howard wanted to move today. Pressing twice, he backed up, waited, and then turned and walked away.