Welcome to the Christian Warrior Mission YouTube Channel. Christian Warrior Talk- streams live at 9 p.m. from Monday through Friday and is a Christian fellowship show that is a bible study and a fellowship talk show that fights three battles and achieves three victories every day! This show is also the home of the 90-day crucible challenge. Christian warrior mission sermons- live Sunday service at 7 p.m. EST. Christian Warrior Mission is a home church fellowship, farm, and ministry, all commanded by our king of kings, Jesus Christ! Our mission is unyielding and eternal: to forge an army of warriors in the crucible of the kingdom of god. Clothed in the indomitable armor of god and armed with the sword of the spirit, you shall be more than battle-ready; you'll be a vanguard for the gospel! We do not stand idle while the world burns; we charge forth to reclaim it for Christ! Be courageous, be righteous, and take dominion.